Étiqueté : Salsa social dancing
After more than a year, we haven’t missed a beat. I absolutely love dancing with my gentle giant, Baudilio Rivera. Smooth as all hell, always with a smile, and willing to engage on another...
Enjoying a very creative and playful dance with Angel Peguero at the very end of a long night of social dancing. We had some playful mirroring and one-up moments in this dance. I even...
In today’s video, we have Joel Dominguez & Stephany Moore Salsa Social Dancing at La Clave NYC. This is one of our salsa dancing events we host in NYC. If you want to attend...
Salsa. Live Nikita Antsukhskiy & Maria Saraeva Sunday Salsa party 17 nov.2019 Saint-Petersburg, Russia Video: Ilia Podpalnyi (iP dance channel) #salsa #SSparty #SundaySalsaParty #SSpartyspb #SundaySalsaPartyspb #iPdancechannel #iPvideoproduction
Salsa. Live. Dmitry Landman & Gulnur Karabulatova Sunday Salsa party 29 dec.2019 Saint-Petersburg, Russia Video: Ilia Podpalnyi (iP dance channel) #salsa #SundaySalsaspb #sspspb #iPdancechannel #iPvideoproduction
Salsa. Live. Dmitry Landman & Victoria Saridi Sunday Salsa party 29 dec.2019 Saint-Petersburg, Russia Video: Ilia Podpalnyi (iP dance channel) #salsa #SundaySalsaspb #sspspb #iPdancechannel #iPvideoproduction