Dance Class – 5 Common Questions That Women Ask About Salsa Dance Class Etiquette

In this article, I have answered some of the most common questions that women ask regarding proper dance class etiquette.

Question # 1 – What To Wear To A Dance Class?

What to wear to a dance class is one of the most common questions regarding the proper dance class etiquette, regardless of gender. For a dance studio it is often best to wear something comfortable like gym pants or casual jeans. Dresses are fine to wear too. Casual clothing is usually fine, but if your classes are at a club, it is always a good idea to ask if they have a dress code, and if so, what it is.

Proper dance shoes are always the best option, of course, but many beginner salsa classes accept most footwear. If you want to wear high heels, make sure that they have plenty of ankle support and that you feel comfortable with them. Often, casual, comfortable shoes with a smooth bottom is a much better option for a dance studio. Save the high heels for a club. Speaking of clubs, dance shoes are always the best option, even for clubs (although some clubs may warrant other shoes if the floor is terrible, and you don’t want to damage your shoes).

Question # 2 – Do I Need A Dance Partner?

In my experience, very rarely do you need a dance partner. In fact, unless a flyer or the advertisement for the class specifically says that you do need a dance partner, I would assume you do not need one. In the hundreds of classes that I have been to I have come across only one or two classes (that happened to be in Louisiana) that you needed to have a dance partner in order to sign for the dance course. Of course, if you want to be absolutely sure, you can always check with the instructor before hand.

Question # 3 – What Should I Do If I Get Partnered Up With A Creepy Guy?

Ok, this question is not necessarily commonly voiced, but I have heard it from some women. So I decided to address this issue head on. First of all, realize that dance classes, especially salsa, attract people from various backgrounds. You often have a wide variety of people from all ages, genders, religions, races, socio-economical, and cultural backgrounds. Always make sure that you consider and try to be understanding of others differences. Furthermore, not every guy has great social skills. Often they don’t mean any harm, even if they might seem awkward.

Now having said this, if someone makes you feel uncomfortable, for example, touches you in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable, but you don’t think he is blatantly trying to offend you or trying to be a jerk, your first defense is to politely address the issue head on. Immediately and politely move his hand and say to the gentleman, « Would you hold me here instead? I would feel more comfortable, » and then thank him once he obliges. Sometimes we men just need a little proper direction and help from you. Other times, you need to take firmer actions.

If he is being a jerk and disrespecting you, politely tell him to stop whatever he is doing that is making you feel uncomfortable. If you don’t want to cause a scene in the middle of a class, for example, it is best to simply talk to your instructor about the incident privately after the class. Your instructor should be happy to hear your concern and you are doing him/her a big favor. It is best to let your instructor deal with the incident. After all, no instructor would want to lose students because of some creepy guy.

Question # 4 – Is It Really OK To Ask Questions?

Yes, most instructors welcome questions (at least they should). In fact, by asking questions, chances are you are also voicing questions or concerns that others in the class have, but are simply too afraid to ask. Of course, if you constantly find yourself being the only one asking questions, it may be time to hold off them, but most instructors love that their students are asking questions and being interactive. So voice your thoughts.

Question # 5 – Should I Help My Partner If He Can’t Get The Move?

This answer might surprise you, no you should not. First of all, realize that no matter how much better you might be than him, your partner did not come to the class to learn from you. Of course, if it is just a quick correction that makes the move more comfortable to you, feel free to do it or point it out to him. But whenever you come to a dance class, your priority should always be to work on yourself, not on your partner. For example, if you master a pattern faster than your partner, begin working on your styling, posture, connection, foot placement, hand placement, spotting, your body movement, or any other area of your dance, rather than helping him. If he has a question, he knows that by raising his hand he can ask a question from the instructor if he so chooses. Teaching your partner while your class is proceeding could be taken as an insult, not only by your partner, but also by your instructor.

And there you have it, 5 common questions and answers for proper dance class etiquette.

Source by Mikko Kemppe

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